Thursday 16 October 2014


I am analyzing some of my favorite parts of the opening sequence of the seies, Les Blues De Ramville.

I have picked this screen shot because I think its really clever how they have done this. I think its affective because the pieces on the board are moving around, almost like the team are planning there move for the game. This can make the audience feel part of the game and part of the team. This is done by I stop motion. They would have used a birds eye view to look at the paper then taken various shot to make the pieces move.

This is an extreme close up shot, as we can see because you audience is able to see the ice flying off his boots which shows how close up the filming was done. It was also put in slow motion to really see ice. I love how this is done and would want to incorporate it into my filming as it adds a lot of detail and gives it a much higher quality. The name is also positioned very well, so its clear and obvious to the viewer. Its positioned on a black surface so its much easier too see.

Again this is a close up shot of names on a paper. This is clever filming because they have focused on one specific name to draw attention too it. They also blur out the rest of the names so no one can focus on anything else other than the name that the directors wants the audience to focus on. The color scheme is also affecttive as they used quite dark colours, if they where very bright it might have been harder for the audience to focus on a name, whereas they might focus on the colours instead.

 This is a very low angle shot. It is below the players who seem to drop a hockey puck onto the lens which then makes the screen black, and allows the directors to make a clean cut to the next part of the sequence. Low angle shots are clever because it really makes you feel part of the action when your watching.

 I love this part because they have made it all so slow motion that you can see the liquid and food flying around, which is very affective and clever. The name also appears clearly even though its in the middle of the action. There are also alot of emotions in the image which shows the sheer happiness of some people when there team score, and how much ice hockey means to them. I will be using slow motion with liquids in my work because I think its very clever and add a lot of quality.

1 comment:

  1. You select specific camera angles, movements and edits that intrigue you and inspire you. Proof read your writing as you go.
